Solidarities: An Electric Marronage Event
On Thursday May 13th at 3pm ET, the Electric Marronage hosted a conversation on the concept and practice of Solidarity, Abolition, and Relations Across Difference in and across Black, Indigenous, Pacific, Caribbean, and Asian contexts. We were honored to engage in a discussion with five activists, writers, and scholars:
Kim Tran, an organizer, and consultant who works at the intersection of social protest, race and gender
Fuifuilupe Niumeitolu, a Tongan/ Oceanian (Pacific Islander) scholar, story-teller and community organizer
Shariana Ferrer-Nuñez, a Black queer feminist Puerto Rican activist, scholar and organizer, co-founder of La Colectiva Feminista en Construcción
Janey Lew, an Asian Canadian poet, scholar, and Educational Consultant of Indigenous Initiatives at the University of British Columbia
Amarilys Estrella, a scholar of race and gender within transnational movements, Black Latin American, Latinx identity, and human rights and anti-racist activism